Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Yippy Playground Projects: Poplar Academy, Crowthorne. September 2012

We were asked back to the lovely Poplar Academy in Crowthorne in September and we're always pleased to be there.

This visit was to add Tyre Surrounds with Wood Chip Fill to two of the larger Tyre Jungle Gyms we had installed earlier this year.

And Principal Lizelle Naude had a great new idea of her own, she wanted Jason to make a Tyre and Wood Trailer to add to one of her Tyre Horse Climbers!

Jason and the team got started on digging the trenches needed to hold half-buried rows of tyres around each of the Gyms, creating a soft landing Boundary Wall.

Once the tyres were secure, the surround was dug down, earth removed and then a large load of Woodchip added (sand also available). 

This creates a deep, shock absorbing landing space around the gyms to aid Jump Offs and help prevent injury from falls.

Next, an Old West style Trailer needed to be added to the Tyre Horse Climber we created in Poplars Preschool Playground. Clearly if the Horse isn't big enough for all your friends, then you need a Trailer.

Construction started with the supporting poles, Deck and Handrails
Wheels, a Drivers Seat, A Ladder and a Coat of Varnish ...
Have Horse and Trailer, will travel. As far as a Poplar Preschoolers imagination!

And just as we thought our Yippy work was done, in the distance the sound of a (small) herd of Tyre Elephants could be heard approaching Poplars playground.

Coming soon; 'Introducing the Yippy Tyre Elephants' and can our Tyre Rhinos help save the real ones?